FPA Advocacy
FPA advocacy efforts are guided by the Legislative Affairs and Public Policy Board (LAPPB), which evaluates and prioritizes advocacy goals for the discipline of psychology in Florida. The LAPPB oversees the legislative agenda, administrative code, court decisions, and public policy related to mental health and practitioners of psychology. It monitors the activities of FPA’s professional lobbyist, plans and executes the annual lobby day at the Capitol, and provides training to meet the advocacy needs of FPA.
Key Psychologist Network
The LAPPB also coordinates the Key Psychologist Network. Key Psychologists receive training on how to lobby their legislators and are asked to become active with their local Senators and Representatives by establishing relationships with them, directly when possible, or with their Legislative Assistants. Interested in becoming a Key Psychologist? Chair: Dr. Liz Campbell
2025 Florida Legislative Preview
The 2025 legislative session is “late” this coming year. Committee weeks begin in January and the session begins in March. Given the uncertainty surrounding the November election, final decisions on FPA’s legislative agenda will be made by the LAPPB after the election. FPA’s lobbyist, Darrick McGhee and I will continue to meet with potential leaders during the summer and early fall months to discuss possible priorities which include reducing the private insurance lookback period from 30 to 12 months and RxP. FPA’s Lobby Day will be held during one of the January committee weeks.
2024 Florida Legislative Outcomes
The 2024 legislative session is over. Our advocacy efforts centered around three priorities:
- Prescription Privileges for Psychologists (RxP)
- Decreasing Private Insurance Lookback from 30 to 12 months
- Removing the 3-years experience post licensure for participation in Baker Act processes
FPA was successful in getting changes to the Baker Act as part of the Live Healthy Act (starting on page 30). Now ALL psychologists, upon licensure, may complete a petition for involuntary examination. Also, pre-licensure clinical experience is included in the 3-year experience requirement for psychologist to certify, once the person is at the receiving facility, that the person requires involuntary treatment and who can certify that the patient is appropriate for release.
The LAPPB has begun to develop its strategy for 2025 and hopes that opportunities will open up for passing RxP and decreasing the private insurance lookback period. The 2025 session doesn't start until March 2025.
Check out the updated Distressed Constituents Guide which FPA provides to legislators. If you need printed copies to distribute, please email kim@flapsych.com.
2024 Federal Legislative Priorities
FPA, under the guidance of APA, also lobbies federal officials. To learn more about federal advocacy priorities, click here.