CE Course Application

Person presenting
Proposals for offering CEs through FPA are welcome on general psychological topics, medical errors, professional ethics, or domestic violence. Proposals should be completed via the application below. Applications must be sponsored by a current, active FPA member. Applications must be submitted at least 45 days in advance (medical errors courses must be submitted at least 90 days in advance).

If you are a Region and in need of funding to support your CE event, you must complete the Region Funding Request Form and submit it to deborah@flapsych.com.

Applications can be submitted to Nickcole Caldwell via email at nickcole@flapsych.com, by mail, or by faxing to 850-344-9085.

Applications are reviewed and approved by the member appointees to the FPA CE Committee.

Click here for the FPA CE Course Application Form.  We recommend coming back here each time you submit an application for the most current version. 

For organizations requesting that FPA co-sponsor a CE, a $100 fee is required at the time of application. Please contact Nickcole to make arrangements. 

Here are some tips for making presentations accessible. Please share these with your presenter. 

If your event will be recorded, click here for the Release Form for Event Recordings . Please return completed forms to Nickcole Caldwell via email at nickcole@flapsych.com, by mail, or by faxing to 850-344-9085.