Membership Directory - Individual

Paul Gunser

Psychological Consultation and Therapy Services, PLLC
Member Since: 1969


Phone: +1 5185921023
Insurance Accepted: Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Medicare
Work Address: 1 John St.
Work City: Millerton
Work Zip Code: 12456
County: Sarasota
Specialty: ANX - Anxiety, BFB - Biofeedback, BMT - Behavioral Medicine/Therapy, CLP - Clinical Psychology, CHP - Chronic Pain, DEP - Depression, HYP - Hypnosis, NAT - Neuropsych Counseling/Testing, PSY - Psychotherapy, PST - Psychological Testing, STM - Stress Management
Services Offered: Telehealth Counseling and Psychotherapy Psychological Testing ADHD Testing Mild Dementia and Memory Evaluations
Telehealth Support: Yes
Office Hours: M-F 10 am-4 pm